Fall Floor Care Tips and Suggestions

Fall Floor Care Tips and Suggestions
Fall is no doubt one of the best seasons around, but it does require a specific floor maintenance plan. With the changing leaves comes tracked-in dirt and debris, changing temperatures and the beginning of the dreaded cold-weather salt stains. Here's what you can do to avoid damaging or compromising your hard surface flooring, carpets and rugs during the fall months.
Fall is no doubt one of the best seasons around, but it does require a specific floor maintenance plan. With the changing leaves comes tracked-in dirt and debris, changing temperatures and the beginning of the dreaded cold-weather salt stains. Here's what you can do to avoid damaging or compromising your hard surface flooring, carpets and rugs during the fall months.
- Place Walk-Off Mats at Doorways - Walk-off mats, also known as entry doormats, are heavy-duty floor mats designed to protect flooring at the entrance to your home or business. They'll help prevent tracked-in leaves, dirt, dust, salt, mud and snow during the fall and winter months. When your floors are protected, they won't be exposed to dirt that can penetrate the surface of the floor and cause permanent scuffs and scratches. Floor mats will also help prevent slips and falls that occur from rain and snow.
- Deep Clean - Just as important as spring cleaning, a thorough fall floor cleaning rids your flooring of the surface dust and dirt that could settle for long periods of time as your windows and doors close up for the cold-weather months. Late September and early October are the perfect times to prep your floors for the cold, because you can still keep the windows open to encourage ventilation and fast drying. Go the extra mile by removing your furniture using furniture slides to target those rarely-cleaned areas beneath permanent furniture.
- Refinish Floors - Depending on your unique climate, refinishing your floors in the early fall may be the best time to do it. You never want to refinish during the winter months, because cold weather can negatively affect the finish results. If temperatures are still in the 60s or 70s (Fahrenheit) where you live, a fall refinish is a great way to keep your floors looking fantastic until the warm weather returns.
- Prevention - Throughout the year, you always want to make sure you're protecting your expensive hard surface flooring investment with furniture floor protectors. These handy add-ons slip onto your furniture legs to prevent scratching, scuffing and dinging caused by regularly moved furniture. When you're spending a lot of time indoors during the nippier months, it's important to make sure your floors are protected from constant use.
- Carpet Cleaning - Before the hustle and bustle of the holidays but after the busy summer is the best time to spend some time cleaning carpeting and rugs. You'll be able to thoroughly clean flooring while still providing ample opportunity for ventilation with open windows, and carpets tend to dry quicker when you're not dealing with high heat and humidity. A dry carpet cleaner, such as Host Dry Carpet Cleaner, is particularly well-suited to cleaning carpets in high-humidity areas that may experience mold and mildew.
Remember, you can always reach out to 1877FloorGuy if you have any specific questions about the floor care products we offer. We deal with one thing, and one thing only - floors - so you can always rely on us to provide expert, one-on-one floor care advice no matter what. Contact us today at 1-877-Floor-Guy (1-877-356-6748) or help@1877floorguy.com with your inquiries.
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