WOCA Invisible Oil Care, 1-Liter
Product Description
Woca Invisible Oil Care 1L, is a top coat and maintenance oil for wood floors treated with the Woca Invisible Oil System. The Invisible Care System is intended to leave light color wood flooring looking completely natural and untreated yet protected against wear and tear. After applying Woca Invisible Oil Primer and Invisible Oil, use Invisible Oil Care as a top coat 24-hours after completing the the second step of this 3-step process. Using Invisible Oil Care will provide the most resistance to stains and wear marks.
Technical Data Sheet for Woca Invisible Oil Care
Safety Data Sheet for Woca Invisible Oil Care
Use Instructions:
Technical Data Sheet for Woca Invisible Oil Care
Safety Data Sheet for Woca Invisible Oil Care
Use Instructions:
- Before applying Woca Invisible Oil Care, clean the surface with Woca Intensive Wood Cleaner and allow it to completely dry.
- Shake Invisible Oil Care before and during use.
- Apply in a thin, even coat using a wool pad and working in small areas of no more than 215 sf at a time.
- Polish with a white pad on a polishing machine for larger surface areas. Polish until wood is completely saturated and the surface has a uniform appearance.
- Remove excess oil care with lint-free cotton cloths or pads attached to the polishing machine until the surface no longer appears wet.
- Surface can be used with care after 6-12 hours and is fully hardened after 5-days at 68°F.